WODSTA is a women's membership organization guided by the principals of justice, voluntarism, and transparency. WODSTA aims at enabling a women's self-discovery in order to take her rightful place in society and play her role in accordance with her full potential.
Our Mission
WODSTA strives to promote gender equality, self-discovery and social wellbeing through capacity building to women and youth
Our Vision
Our Goal
To support women and their communities to become empowered through gender equitable and sustainable development initiatives.
About Us
Women Development for Science and Technology (WODSTA) is a non-governmental organization based in Arusha, Tanzania. It was started in 1990 and officially registered in 1992 with registration Number SO.7341. WODSTA's philosophy and activities are focused on enhancing the status and position of women. Emphasis is focused on grass root women, the girl child and marginalized communities within the Arusha, Kilimanjaro and Manyara Regions. In February 2007, WODSTA complied with terms and conditions of NGOs under Non-Governmental Organizations Act No 24 of 2002 with Certificate of Compliance No 1767.
WODSTA is a women's membership organization guided by the principals of justice, voluntarism, and transparency. WODSTA aims at enabling a women's self-discovery in order to take her rightful place in society and play her role in accordance with her full potential. Its members are drawn from different fields and guided under the leadership of an elected Chairperson and Secretary General. Number of Active members are 20. The interest of WODSTA's members include Education, Agriculture, Community and Gender development providing a large knowledge base in dealing with the complexities of women's development issues.
WODSTA consists of a dedicated team of community organizers and volunteers who believe in the importance of grassroots education and social change. The organization is member driven with an executive committee made up of women actively involved in the community and other civil society organizations. This executive committee is responsible for policy and for overall management of the organization.
Some of WODSTA objectives as follow:
To raise awareness about women’s role in equitable and sustainable development initiatives, on an international, national, regional and grass root level
To promote sustainable agricultural knowledge and skills training among individual women and groups to increase women economic empowerment
Do you want to know more about us!!! Women Development for Science and Technology Association WODSTA...
For the past 20 years, WODSTA has worked to promote gender equality, environmental conservation and sustainable livelihoods among women in Arusha and Manyara regions. The organization had administered the following projects in Arumeru, Longido, Monduli and Kiteto districts.
For the three years, WODSTA has been addressing poverty reduction through the social and economic empowerment of pastoral women in Northern Tanzania's Maasai land. The programe ran in three districts of Maasai communities: Monduli and Arumeru in the Arusha region and Kiteto in the Manyara region. Together with our coalition partners, WODSTA helps small groups of women to join together and establish women's economics groups. These groups have been trained on skills of accounting, product marketing, processing, business management, leadership, cost analysis, and group facilitation. In addition gender sensitization and literacy skills were offered to build their capacities. Our goal is to give marginalized Maasai women the skills to generate their own income and build sustainable economic alternatives within their community. the programme have organized 55 groups of women who have petty businesses that range from jewelry design to bean, maize and other food and cash crops production.
WODSTA had conducted trainings on social accountability (public expenditure/social service delivery) to members, partners and coalition/networks. The programme had built capacity of members and partner /networks of CSOs to influence budget priorities, in order to address the needs of poor women, men, girls, boys and other marginalized groups. It also provided beneficiaries knowledge, skills and techniques for tracking budget inputs, outputs and outcomes; enabled them to carry out a public expenditure monitoring in social service delivery; and maintained collaboration of coalitions and networks among partner organizations. The programme empowered beneficiaries to access financial information (PET system).
- WODSTA is a women's membership organization guided by the principals of justice, voluntarism, and transparency. WODSTA aims at enabling a women's self-discovery in order to take her rightful place in society and play her role in accordance with her full potential.
- WODSTA is currently operating in Arusha, Kilimanjaro and Manyara regions in the following areas.
- Gender and Social Economic Empowerment
- Environmental Conservation and Natural Resources Management
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Organization's Governance and Institutional Capacity development
- To raise awareness about women’s role in equitable and sustainable development initiatives, on an international, national, regional and grass root level
- To promote sustainable agricultural knowledge and skills training among individual women and groups to increase women economic empowerment
- To support women environmental and other income-generating activities that increase women’s economic empowerment. To promote gender-sensitive planning at all levels of society
- To enable women to become aware of their legal and human rights
WODSTA has six buildings among them are two offices, one for demonstration one processing unit and two residential buildings. The offices are equipped with IT facilities including five desktop computers, three printers, two scanners, one photocopier, one binding machine, four laptop computers, one overhead projector, one camera and three vehicles.
Organizational staff
WODSTA has eleven (11) employees (both part & full time staff) as follows: 3 Programme Officers, 1 community mobilizer, 1 Programme Coordinator, 1 Secretary, 1 Accountant, 1 Accounts Assistant, 1 Office Attendant, 1 Driver, 1 Watchman and 1 Volunteer.
Funding: WODSTA is funded by: Membership fees and subscriptions, Income-generating activities, Donors and partners like Tanzanian National Government, UNDP, MIVA, DKA/kfb Austria , European Union (Istituto Oikos), HORIZONT3000, Austrian Development Agency (ADA)/Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC), World Bank, Sasakawa Youth Leadership Fellowship Fund, Development Planning Unit-London, the Belgium Government, CARE International and Foundation for Civil Society, In kind contributions from non-governmental partners and individuals and our International Partners: TRIAS TZ, EASUN, ECHO East Africa Community,DPU- London and Istituto Oikos.
Location and office description
Njiro Agricultural Show Ground (TASO) Plot # 62, 63 & 64
P.O.Box 3182 Arusha
Arusha Tanzania.